How it works!

How to bid

A minimum price is set for certain positions. This represents the lower limit for bids and must be reached as a minimum. If you wish to place a bid, it must be at least equal to or higher than the minimum bid.
The highest bidder wins the contract.
You must be logged in to purchase items. (Logged in, LOGIN)

Within the detail page of the item you then have - depending on the offer - the possibility of

  • placing a bid
  • Buy now
  • Submit a price proposal
In both face-to-face and online auctions, it is customary, in accordance with ยง 156 p. 2 Alt. 2 BGB to close an auction without acceptance of a bid for a justified reason or to make a "bid subject to reservation" to the prospective buyer.

The decision as to whether a sale is made by knockdown or whether a lot is considered unsold will be decided later in accordance with the auction conditions in consultation with the seller.

A sale or purchase of the object is still possible even if the "acceptance of a bid subject to reservation" is not resolved, if necessary in a post-auction sale.

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If you use the bidding agent for a bid, our system will automatically bid for you until you are outbid.

You only need to specify a maximum amount you are willing to pay for the lot. Our system will then bid for you in the smallest steps until your maximum amount is reached.